Thursday, October 2, 2008

Video Question

Hi everyone~
I had this idea to have my students create a found poem from Book Thief and then set it to music, and maybe include images. I was going to try and use Animoto, but it seems complicated. Any great ideas on how I could do this. I'm sure there is a very easy answer. Clearly I'm showing how much I haven't used technology in the classroom!!


Mr.Rother said...

Sounds like a great idea! I am thinking that Animoto is probably not the program to do it in. You would probably have the best luck with Windows Movie seem to know it pretty well and you could probably figure it out pretty quickly.

Jeanne LaMoore said...

If you have access to Flip cameras (check with Sharon), they're super-easy tools for capturing video footage. My 6th graders are using them for video projects on the parts of speech.

Karen said...

Don't forget the good 'ol option of using powerpoint . . . students can take/find images, upload music, and write their poem.

Here is a resource for copyright-friendly images and sound: