Monday, November 3, 2008

Delicious Frustration

After touting about how much I LOVE delicious, I have found a bug. And no one wants bugs in their delicious items.

I actually think it is an issue with the blocking mechanisms at the high school (weird) and not delicious (because nothing could be wrong with delicious!)

When I bookmark things at school, they happily appear on my computer at home. However, when I bookmark items at home, they do not appear on my computer at school, and that seriously ruins the point!!

If anyone has found a way around this little glitch, let me know. It is not any fun if I can't delicious:(


Jeanne LaMoore said...

That is really strange! I assume you're using only one delicious account. . . I don't know why school blocking would have any effect on this. Have you asked one of the techies? It's too strange!

Karen said...

Is anyone else in your school having this problem? Or anyone in other schools? Have you had a chance to talk to a tech person yet? So strange ... I hope it gets resolved!

Nelson's teachings said...

I am only using one acount. I talked to our technology experts, and they do not know what is happening. Others always use the website to save and do not have problems. I always use the tool bar, so maybe that is the problem!?!