Sunday, March 1, 2009

Thing 9

The lesson on creative commons was a really great reminder for me. While I try to follow copyright, I know I have been guilty of stretching the rules. It is ironic, because I beat citations into my students (practically, not really) but I am not good about citing pictures when I use them. It was also great to learn that there are musicians allowing their songs to be used. It is nice because it is so easy to just grab a song, yet we are so against pirating music so we really shouldn't just use it in our presentations either.

The hard part is reminding myself because it is still easier to just grab something when you are scrambling at the last minute than to follow the rules.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I admit I'm not always good about citations either ... it is getting easier since I've started defaulting to flickrcc and other tools rather than the basic web.