Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Thing 3

Well, I am procrastinating with all the other things I need to do, like write recommendations and lesson plan. I thought MILI homework would be more fun.

My students are currently completing some research on war. I used a number of handouts from the RPC. I realized that next time I might want to revise them a little for my specific purpose, but the students seemed to find them useful. It also focused them on the process rather than just priniting pages and calling that research. I also required them to use at least two databases from the media center. They complained at first, but many of them found so much great information that they never even went to google. I am willing to bet that they will use the databases next time they have to do research.

I recommended easy bib as one tool they could use for their bibliographies. However, citation machine seems more user friendly. I will definitely suggest it since they can't easily get to citation maker, on the media center page, from home.,


tapneal said...


I am one of the co-founders of EasyBib. Thanks for making reference to our site! I wanted to let you know that we have released a new version. If you have any suggestions on how to make our product more user intuitive, please let me know. We would be happy to incorporate your feedback. Also, if you'd like a premium account free of charge, I'd be happy to set up one for you.

Kind Regards,
Neal Taparia

Jeanne LaMoore said...

I love the description of this assignment! It's always fun when kids learn to access databases instead of just grabbing anything they can grab online. I'm very impressed that someone from Easybib is scoping out your blog . ..

Karen said...

Congratulations! It sounds like you accomplished A LOT in one assignment . . . I 'starred' your post because I love your statement that kids found such good info on the databases they didn't even feel the need to go to Google -- they want good, easy-to-find info!